Western “pulp” art began with the dime novels of the late 1800s – tales of lurid and exciting exploits of rough heroes, dastardly villains and buxom damsels, with illustrations designed to capture the action of the story and the attention of the public. The era of American western illustration art had begun. By the mid-20th century, pulp paperbacks and magazines were the rage, and every book was judged by its cover, which held the promise of the excitement to be found inside. Arthur Bernhard was an Arizona publisher of mid-century pulp paperbacks, but he was also a collector. When hiring artists to illustrate the covers, Bernhard negotiated deals so that he got to keep the original art from which the covers were taken. Descended through his family, the pieces that follow are some of the original works he collected.
Bernhard's lots: 69 - 76
Lot 73 - Fred Rodewald (1905 - 1955)
Sold $354