White Bull's Historic Ledger and Story Book

An important historical document relating the Indian battles in the west. The book is both visual and informative. The White Bull ledger book was created in the late 19th to early 20th century. It was written and drawn by White Bull (nephew of Sitting Bull) and records coups, combats, and winter counts of the Sioux. White Bull claimed to have killed Custer, an although this may or may not be true, the ledger book records battle scenes drawn by White Bull and probably is recording his fight with Custer and many other of his own personal battles. The book is a total of (162) pages, (120) with writing, (33) drawings, (28) blank pages many of which are across from a drawing. It is an intact document, most ledgers have been separated and sold page by page. The book measures 14" x 8 1/2" x 3/4" thick.

Author Mike Cowdrey has written "This Ledger book is White Bull's personal and original biographical account. In terms of Lakota historiography, this volume is comparable in importance to the diaries of Thomas Jefferson – a unique and irreplaceable resource."

White Bull (1849 – 1947) was the nephew of Sitting Bull, and a famous warrior in his own right. White Bull participated in the Battle of the Little Bighorn on June 25, 1876. After the battle, White Bull joined his uncle, Hunkpapa Sioux leader Sitting Bull, while fleeing to Canada.

PROVENANCE: Morning Star Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Lot 1212, Sold $264,000
Old West Auction – Las Vegas - Friday, January 24, 2025

Breathtaking Edward H. Bohlin "Machris" Parade Saddle

Considered one of the standout pieces in the entire George Pitman collection, this exquisite two-tone brown floral carved Bohlin / Hollywood sterling and gold parade saddle, custom made for Louise Cottam of Santa Barbara, California, in the late 1930s is a slight variation on the Machris model that debuts in the 1937 Bohlin catalog one page following the "Cottam" saddle named for Louise's husband, Russell. According to Bohlin expert and author, James H. Nottage, "Louise and her husband, Russell both had fine Bohlin outfits which they rode in parades, horse shows and rodeos. Hers, in many ways more elegant, won prizes at the Santa Barbara Fiesta Days, the Bakersfield Frontier Days and other gatherings". The saddle features a figure-eight floral pattern and multiple pictorial carvings including a longhorn on the 14" seat and a beautifully detailed let 'er buck cowboy on the fenders which, according to Nottage, is characteristic of the work of Bohlin leather carver extraordinaire, Gabriel Diaz. The saddle itself is artistically adorned with leaf pattern conchos along the full perimeter interspersed with Bohlinmade silver spots. The entire front and cantle are fully silvered with a twisted rope edged gullet, horn cap with gold bucking horse and cantle cover. The leather saddle strings protrude just below an engraved silver and gold horsehead concho. The skirts and fenders are mounted with intricately engraved silver corner plates with gold vignettes featuring a bucking horse, longhorn, and one depicting Louise showing her horse picking up a lead into a canter and featured in a full page photo on pg 126 of Saddlemaker to the Stars. The elegant 22" Tapaderos are mounted with multiple gold horsehead conchos while the Breast Collar continues the overall silver leaf & silver spot theme but adds a bold central medallion with the name "Louise" in raised gold script above a golden show horse. A second Breast Collar is also included and appears to be of slightly later manufacture (1940s) mounted with round Bohlin horsehead conchos and a different style of Bohlin spots plus a centered three-dimensional gold longhorn concho. The fully matching Bridle continues the leaf and gold horsehead theme and is affixed to a matching bit and ferruled romal reins with adjustable slide. Saddle set includes a brown and white wool Corona Pad plus original cinch. Very fine, 100% original condition, circa 1937-1939 PROVENANCE: EX George Pitman Collection, Rancho Santa Fe, CA PICTURED: James H. Nottage, Saddlemaker to the Stars, The Leather and Silver Art of Edward H. Bohlin, Pgs 126-129 Louise Charlotte Rechner (Cottam) was born May 6, 1907 in Germany and emigrated to the United States in 1918 at age 11 marrying John Russell Cottam in Santa Barbara in 1925 when she was only 18. Louise was an equestrian enthusiast from an early age frequently showcasing her prized horses in shows, parades and rodeos around California. The Cottams has 2 daughters eventually moving to Las Vegas in 1950. Louise passed away in Los Angeles in December of 1980 at age 73

PROVENANCE: EX George Pitman Collection, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

Item Dimensions: Saddle: 33" x 26" x 49 1/2"

Lot 1161, Sold $228,000
Old West Auction – Las Vegas - Friday, January 24, 2025

Buffalo Bill's Presentation Sword Cane

Inscribed sword-stick cane presented to "Buffalo Bill" on his 45th birthday from his partner and Vice-President Nate Salsbury. The overall length is 38" long. The silver-plated handle is 5" long with a 1 7/8" diameter at the top where there is an ivory inset with a picture of Buffalo Bill wearing a Stetson hat, suit and tie with a cravat. Inscribed around the top rim of the handle "Col. W.F. Cody Buffalo Bill". The handle then tapers to 13/16" at the base. The blade is 27 1/2" long. The ebony sheaf is 33" long with a 7/8" ivory tip at the base. The silver plated rim of the scabbard incribed "From Your Friend Nate Salsbury 26th February 1891" includes silver hallmarks for 1891 and makers name of "George Fox of London". Also inscribed on the handle "Buffalo Bill's Wild West" and "America's National Entertainment" within a banner. Includes scenes of Buffalo Bill on horseback with his rifle along with an indian on horseback and young Bill Cody galloping on his horse depicting his days as an extra hand on a wagon train. Inscribed "1857 Billy Cody the boy messenger at the age of 12".

Lot 1130, Sold $15,600
Old West Auction – Las Vegas - Friday, January 24, 2025

Rare J. Tapia (1856 - 1931) Parrot Spade Bit

Classic Jesus Tapia (1856-1931) double parrot pattern engraved bit from the coveted early California maker. Large domed conchos with engraved rim above the figural cheeks. 100% original condition with one missing inlay on the slobber bar.

Provenance: Ex George Pitman Collection, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

Item Dimensions: 9" x 5" x 2 - 1/2".

Lot 1242, Sold $13,200
Old West Auction – Santa Fe - Saturday, June 22, 2024

Walla Walla, Washington Hitched Horsehair Bridle

Multicolored pink, green, orange and blue, with flat headband, brow and noseband, multiple natural beige and pink tassels, split reins with American flags. Early glass horsehead rosettes. Attached to inlaid kissing bird bit with severed half-breed. Fine overall condition, one wear spot on the reins. Circa 1910.

Provenance: Ex George Pitman Collection, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

Item Dimensions: 28" L.

Lot 1154, Sold $15,375
Old West Auction – Santa Fe - Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fred Fellows Caa (B. 1934)

Taking a Closer Look
Oil on canvas panel
30" x 48"
Signed lower right: Fellows CA and dated ©81 / titled on the front plaque
Framed to 40" x 58"

This is not a standard shippable item and will require 3rd party shipping or pickup arrangements to be made.

Item Dimensions: Frame: 40" x 58".

Lot 1298, Sold $28,160
Old West Auction – Santa Fe - Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fabulous Jesus Tapia California Spurs

Undeniably one of the highlights of the Gillett collection is this outstanding pair of Jesus Tapia (1856-1931) inlaid Los Angeles, Calif spurs, with the artisan’s distinctive design elements, including classic engraving, intricate filigreed cut-out floral silver inlays on both the stylized rooster-head 2 3/4" shanks and bands encircled by a twisted coin silver inlaid rope, filed 14-point 2 1/4" iron rowels, and trademark flat silver inlaid, flower centered stationary buttons attached to two-piece floral carved russet-colored leathers. Very fine original condition, circa 1915-1920.

Provenance: Ex Ron & Linda Gillett Collection

Lot 1286, Sold $66,000
Old West Auction – Santa Fe - Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Legendary Edward H. Bohlin Justin Dart "Disney" Saddle

Custom ordered for self-made industrialist, political kingmaker and Presidential Medal of Freedom honoree, Justin W. Dart (1907-1984), this near-mythical Edward H. Bohlin silver and gold mounted parade saddle is adorned with multiple silver and gold figural conchos, but what sets it apart from all other Bohlin saddles is the Disney homage on the swell caps, depicting a gold "Cowboy" Mickey Mouse twirling a rope with the name "Walt Disney" in gold cursive letters just below the iconic mouse. While both historians and Bohlin collectors have speculated and argued for years if or how Dart was able to get Ed Bohlin to replicate the highly protected Disney trademarked mouse image, it is well known that both Justin Dart and Walt Disney traveled in similar California social and political circles and Dart's wife, Jane Bryan, was a well-liked actress in Hollywood. However, the most obvious and deepest overlapping connection would probably be Ronald Reagan, who both men were closely associated with for many decades. Setting Mickey and Walt aside for now, the rest of this special order "San Gabriel" style parade saddle is rather impressive, with its gold-laden corner plates and square rope-edge silver conchos featuring gold bucking horses, longhorns, eagles, Indians, animals, buffalo, ranch brands, guns, dogs, religious imagery, a pipe (random) and several images that were obviously personal to Mr. Dart alone. The saddle is made on a Miles City tree, with a 15" seat, 15" swells, 5" cantle with twisted rope edge, 15" by 30" skirts, 9" fenders, and regal 24" long tapaderos. The horn replicates the rope edge of the cantle and gullet and is topped with Bohlin's familiar gold buffalo head concho. The fully matching breast collar, bridle and overlaid curb bit were also personalized by the owner with a combination of gold figures that do appear in the Bohlin catalog and many others that were custom made by Ed for this very discriminating client. The unique saddle set includes a black and white corona, cinch and wooden display stand.

Provenance: Ex George Pitman Collection, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

Justin Dart Sr. (1907 - 1984) was a self-made California millionaire who was one of a small group of men of similar backgrounds who played a key role in launching President Reagan into politics. A major political contributor and fundraiser, the jut-jawed Mr. Dart was a colorful and plain-spoken businessman to whom political observers accorded a prominent place in what they termed President Reagan's "kitchen cabinet," an unofficial group of friends, advisers and confidants. After starting in business as an employee of his father-in-law's drugstore, Mr. Dart went on to become head of Dart Industries, a diversified commercial empire, which in 1980 earned profits of $172 million. After marrying Ruth Walgreen, a daughter of the owner of the Walgreen Drug Co., he was sent to Phoenix to learn the pharmacy business. Advancing swiftly in the company, he was made head of store operations by 1932. Although he and his wife were divorced seven years later, the chain's founder, Charles Walgreen, left a substantial share of the business to his former son-in-law. Within a few years, Mr. Dart left Walgreen to join an old college fraternity brother in forming the United Drug Co., which operated four chains of stores. He moved to California in 1945 and renamed his company Rexall Drug Co. the next year. In 1969 it became Dart Industries, whose profits came from such products as Tupperware, Duracell batteries and West Bend pots and pans. In 1980, the concern merged with Kraft Inc., and Mr. Dart became chairman of the combined company. A gregarious man who was popular with other wealthy figures, Mr. Dart became important in California politics both as a contributor and fundraiser, and was widely regarded in his state as a political kingmaker. In many ways he appeared characteristic of those who were attracted to Reagan early on. Within the "kitchen cabinet", Mr. Dart was perhaps distinguished for his opinionated outspokenness. In 1982 he sent a letter of apology to President Gerald Ford after a newspaper quoted Mr. Dart as saying in vivid language that the former president lacked intelligence. Mr. Dart was a director emeritus of United Air Lines and UAL Inc. Active in civic affairs, he was chairman of the board of trustees of the University of Southern California from 1967 to 1971, and was a trustee of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. He also was a member of the board of the Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Desert, Calif. After his divorce in 1939, Mr. Dart married actress Jane Bryan in 1940, with whom he remained married for 44 years.

Lot 1320, Sold $300,000
Old West Auction – Santa Fe - Saturday, June 22, 2024

Documented Dalton Colt Single Action Army From the Legendary 10 Gun Shipment to the Dalton Gang

In the words of R.L. Wilson, this is "One of the most thoroughly documented of any antique American firearms, the history of the Bob or Emmett Dalton Single Action Army No 147306", with an accompanying plethora of documents, affidavits, articles, factory letter, etc. Colt records show this gun by serial number having been shipped on August 18th, 1892 to Simmons Hardware for one A. E. Williams. The order was for a total of (10) nearly identical revolvers listed as factory engraved, 5 1/2, blue and case color, grips not listed. Serial listed numbers are 147290, 142298 (at Davis Museum), 147303, 147304, 147305 (Autry Museum, purported to be Emmett Dalton's), 147306 (this gun, accompanied by an article on this revolver by R. L. Wilson and attributed to either Emmett or Bob; this gun is pictured on the cover of the June 1995 Gun Report by Bill Gerber, which is included and where he confirms this association), 147307, (which was purchased by H.W. Read after the raid of October 5th, 1892 and was put on display by him), 147308, 147311 and 147338 (which was part of the Pemberton Collection). All known examples except one are reported to have pearl grips.

There are accompanying articles explaining that the gang had ordered these ten guns, two for each member of the gang who went to Coffeyville that fateful day on October 5th, 1892. They included Bob, Grat and Emmett Dalton, Dick Broadwell and Bill Powers. Bob, Grat, Dick Broadwell and Bill Powers were all killed that day. Emmett was captured having been shot approximately 23 times. Stories about these fancy shooting irons are based on eyewitness accounts, probate certificates and period stories, such as the March 17, 1942, letter from Martin to Davis, stating that Emmett’s old colt had been “used in all robberies by the Dalton gang until the day before the Coffeyville Robbery, when the give [five] outlaws used ten brand new .45 Colts."

Emmett Dalton’s estate, which had gone first to his writing partner Chuck Martin, then to Oceanside, Calif., chief of police Captain Harold Davis, and then to Davis’ daughter. Included in Dalton’s personal effects and photos was his U.S. deputy marshal’s badge. Davis had framed the badge and a 1935 photo of Emmett Dalton presenting Martin with the badge and his engraved .44-40-caliber Colt single-action revolver, Serial No. 83073. This was the gun he used until he acquired his fancy pair of Colts. "A controversial legend persists about the Daltons having 'duded' themselves up with new clothes, horses, saddles and fancy pistols so that they would look respectable when they robbed two banks at the same time."

According to Wilson, this gun, as well as the other known specimens, were engraved by famed Colt engraver Cuno Helfricht. It is finished in blue and case colors and fitted with two-piece pearl grips. It exhibits nearly full coverage engraving in typical Helfricht style. The frame displays bank note type scroll, as does the barrel, all done with punch dot background. Balance of engraving is in decorative border, sunburst type lines, alternating cylinder patterns, and dots. Screws are nitre blued.

CONDITION: Outstanding. Matching numbers. Some muted case colors are showing with more in protected areas. Cylinder retains about 80% bright blue with high edge wear, some toning, minor surface wear, about what one would expect from a holstered gun. Barrel retains some bright blue with balance having flaked to patina with high edge holster wear. Ejector housing shows large percentage of blue, especially in protected area. Rear grip strap is patina while front strap retains mix of patina with bright blue. Nice flashes of case color remain on hammer. All edges and engraving are crisp. Pearl grips are nicely fitted, toned, with no cracks. Screws retains substantial fire blue. Action has all four clicks. The bore is bright. This gun, is of course, a black powder frame with locking screw in front. There is so much documentation that one could write an entire book simply on this gun and would be redundant to press all this information in this description. Nor is it prudent to tell the entire story of the Dalton gang or the Coffeyville raid as several books have been already written on this subject, one that has become one of the most noted events of outlawry of the Wild West. Simply put, this firearm is one of the most important weapons of that era to come to market and is truly a museum-worthy artifact.

Barrel Length: 5 - 1/2"
Caliber/Bore: .45 Colt
FFL Status: Antique
Manufacturer: Colt
Model: SAA
Paperwork: Tub of Information, Copy of Factory Letter
Serial Number: 147306

Lot 1342, Sold $228,000
Brian Lebel's Santa Fe Old West Events Auction - Saturday, June 22, 2024

Edward H. Bohlin Child's Parade Saddle

Exceedingly rare, dazzling and very well maker-marked brown Bohlin "Hexagon" model child's pony size parade saddle in very fine condition with fully matching Bridle, Bit, Breast Collar and original black and white wool Corona. Made in the early 1950's by the renowned Hollywood Saddlemaker to the Stars for that special child that has everything.

This extravagant brown floral carved ensemble features an engraved one-piece silvered front with twisted rope-edge gullet and pelican style horn, sterling rope-edge cantle, prominent corner plates with raised 5-point Texas stars, plus extensively and artistically ornamental heavy gauge sterling silver hexagon conchos that, accordingly to the 1954 catalog description, "have many facets that reflect light making a very striking effect in the Show Ring". The Seat measures 13", Skirts 24", Fender 9" and Tapaderos 18".

A quick review of the all the Bohlin catalogs from 1927 through the 1960's indicates that Ed offered only two of their parade saddles in child's sizes that being the Jackie Cooper model in the 1930s and 40s and this Hexagon pattern in the 1950's.

Lot 1306, Sold $79,950
Brian Lebel’s Las Vegas Old West Auction - Friday, January 26, 2024

A "Lone Ranger" Screen Worn Outfit & Mask

This lot consists of an outfit gifted to Carmen Sacchetti directly from his friend Clayton Moore, "The Lone Ranger". These pieces were used by Clayton and are unique with impeccable provenance. A special dyed dark shirt and pants "Lone Ranger" screen worn outfit.

Clayton did this color himself because he thought the dark color showed better on screen. A screen worn hat by American Hat Co. and Calabasas Saddlery, size 6 ¾, used by Clayton but not shaped in the classic Lone Ranger style. The rarest and most desirable screen-worn Hollywood items, a "water" mask. The iconic black mask designed to be used during water scenes.

EX: Clayton Moore Gifted to Carmen Sacchetti.

Lot 1070, Sold $18,450
Brian Lebel’s Las Vegas Old West Auction - Friday, January 26, 2024

Edward H. Bohlin's Own Personal Bohlin Parade Spurs

Edward H. Bohlin’s Own Personal Bohlin Parade Spurs

Ed Bohlin’s own massive custom spurs, designed to accompany the “Big Saddle” and the rest of his 14-year masterpiece: his own personal -- and unmatched -- Bohlin equestrian parade outfit. Sterling and three-color gold on stainless spurs and black leather straps. Designed and crafted by Bohlin himself along with top Bohlin artists. The following description is excerpted from the included James Nottage letter.

“The spurs are made from stainless steel, which was also used to create the pie-cutter rowels and with smaller rowels on the chap guards. These are secured with pins and yellow gold flower buds. The steel is overlaid with sterling silver and upon this is applied decorative elements with the following components. The outside edges of the spurs have twisted yellow gold wire rope edging. The surface of both sides of the spurs has overlaid with red gold floral scrolls terminating with yellow gold five petal flowers. All of the gold surfaces are delicately chased rather than engraved, giving them pleasing depth and dimension. The outside face of the spurs swells to a rounded shape in the center for the overlay of a large Indian head with full feathered headdress. The gold of the headdress and face is given color through the use of red, yellow, and green gold.

Each spur strap is of black leather and the edges have been sewn by Angel Diaz with flat silver wire, matching the stitching on Bohlin’s saddle and other accessories. On each strap there are three square silver plates on point, mounted in each corner with red gold flower buds and integral silver rope edges. One plate on each strap features a red gold raccoon, another has a yellow gold cowboy on a red gold bucking bronco, and the third has an eagle with spread wings. Each of these figures is surrounded with chased yellow gold floral wreaths. Separating these plates are triangular silver plaques with chased red gold floral overlays. Finally, each strap has a large round concho in sterling silver with integral rope edge, a chased yellow gold wreath, and in the center are large artistically designed initials for the owner, “EHB”. A nice feature of all the metal work is that the sterling is given a subtle background with lightly hammered stippling.

…they represent both the romance of the cowboy and the elegance of a particularly notable example of the American fine and decorative art.”

Included in the lot is a five-page typed and signed letter from historian and noted Bohlin authority, James Nottage. This letter includes Mr. Nottage’s opinion of the spurs; their provenance; their exhibition history (includes the 1967 “World’s Fair”); published references to Ed Bohlin’s personal parade outfit of which the spurs are a part; the fascinating 14-year history of the full parade outfit; a detailed description of the spurs and straps; and Nottage’s conclusion:

“These unique spurs arguably are the finest work of the Bohlin shop. They are of artistic and historic significance that ranks them among the best of spurs created in any shop.”

Lot 558, Sold $236,000
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.

Collection of Number 8 Mine Turquoise Rings

Lot of seven (7) Mine Number 8 turquoise rings.

a) Number 8 Mine turquoise inlay knifewing, size 8, 5.4 grams, unmarked, 1 1/4" tall;

b) Large Number 8 Mine turquoise with two stones and a leaf setting, unmarked, size 11, 20.5 grams, no marks, 1 5/8" tall;

c) Central oval Number 8 Mine stone, rope edge, Number 8 Mine, size 7, 5.7 grams, unmarked, 1" tall;

d) Central oval Number 8 Mine stone, rope edge, Number 8 Mine, size 8, 5.3 grams, unmarked, 1" tall;

e) Central oblong Number 8 Mine stone, size 7.5, 7.6 grams, unmarked, 1 3/8" tall;

f) Central oval Number 8 Mine stone, size 6.25, 9 grams, unmarked, 1 1/8" tall;

g) Dainty central round Number 8 Mine turquoise stone, size 5.75, 2.6 grams, unmarked, 3/8" tall.

Provenance: Most through the C.G. Wallace Collection of American Indian Art, Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1975, to Dick Flood, Sr., through Flood family.

Lot 599, Sold $6,655
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.

Gold Nugget from the Granville Stuart Estate

A found nugget with note in Granville Stuart's (1834-1918) own hand "Nugget found on Pioneer Bar, Mont. in 1857 near Gold Creek" with leather gold poke.

From Mary Stuart Abbott to Richard Flood

Weight is .99 oz. or 28 g.

Included is:
Diary And Sketchbook Of A Journey To "America" In 1866, & Return Trip Up The Missouri River To Fort Benton, Montana
By Stuart, Granville
Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1963. First Edition Thus. Hardcover. Fine condition. Fully illustrated with Stuart's black and white sketches. Includes map of his journey, account of his expenses and bibliography. No jacket. Stuart's diary was originally published in the Virginia City Montana Post, January 1867.

Lot 625, Sold $94,400
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.

Canon City Horsehair Bridle with Bob Baldwin Gal Leg Bit

Canon City Horsehair Bridle with Bob Baldwin Gal Leg Bit

Bob Baldwin, prisoner #9647 maker-marked, silver inlaid, Gal Leg bit attached to hitched red and black diamond pattern horsehair bridle constructed with split reins and slider, flat 1 ½” wide cheeks, brow and nosebands, round multi-strand headbands and hitched hair rosettes. The bridle and bit are mounted on a custom wall hanging stand and were rumored to have given to the Canon City Warden, Tom Tynan, as a gift in the early 1920s

Bob Baldwin was born in North Carolina shortly before his family moved to Colorado around 1892. He was sentenced to his first stint of 3-10 years at the Colorado State Penitentiary in Canon City in 1912, for burglary and larceny -- along with his recidivist father and two brothers. Paroled in February of 1914, he immediately returned to his home and wife in La Veta, Colo. His wife gave birth to a son ten months later but in May of 1915, when the child was only 6 months old, Baldwin was arrested for the heinous crime of suffocating the infant. He was charged with first degree murder and on June 29, 1915, convicted and sentenced to life at the State Penitentiary. He served nearly ten years and then, one day, just simply disappeared. For the warden, Tom Tynan, his escape became a huge embarrassment and prisoner #9647 whereabouts remains a mystery to this very day. Unfortunately, Dora Baldwin was again pregnant when her husband murdered their son. Taking no chances, she moved to California, divorced Baldwin, and eventually remarried -- raising her new boy without even informing the child of his natural father. It was not until Dora's death, that the child, now long grown, learned the truth returning to Colorado where he eventually discovered the whole gruesome saga.

Lot 566, Sold $12,100
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.

Edward H. Bohlin's Personal Filigreed Gold Buckle

2 1/2" x 4 1/2" with four and one-half ounces of solid gold in rose, yellow and white colors.

James H. Nottage, Fishers, Indiana - 4 December 2004

Over a period of nearly a quarter century now, I have examined hundreds of belt buckles produced in the Hollywood shop of Edward H. Bohlin. Some of them are simply stamped silver buckles with floral engraving, some are gold overlaid, a few are presentations to rodeo stars, scattered examples belonged to famous actors or politicians and in recent years a discouraging number have appeared that are fraudulently marked or out-right fakes.

In August of 2004, I examined what easily can be described as one of the top four or five Bohlin belt buckles ever manufactured. It is a work of art from the Bohlin shop on Highland Avenue in Hollywood and clearly belonged to Edward Bohlin himself. With the buckle comes a signed document stating that "this Is to certify that this large solid gold western belt buckle with multiple figural animals and with the initials 'EB' was given to me by Edward Bohlin right off his waist about 45-50 years ago. He was visiting my ranch on a fishing or a hunting trip. My ranch was located near Yerington, Nevada, and co-owned by Barron Hilton'.' The document is signed by Donald W. Douglas Jr. and dated June 17, 2004.

Over a period of decades, Ed Bohlin frequently crafted special buckles for himself that had the best of workmanship and materials and there are many documented examples of such buckles that he gave to important customers or potential customers. Through these he promoted his products and relationships that would further his business. The Ed Bohlin/Donald Douglas buckle is no exception.

Donald Douglas died in October 2004, only a few months after selling his coveted buckle. Douglas was the son of the founder of Douglas Aircraft. He served as president of the company and was directly responsible for introducing the DC-8 and DC-9 Jetliners. Douglas was named president of the company in 1957.

The buckle is, on its own merits, quite remarkable and very much in character with its maker's personal interests. Ed Bohlin began his career in Cody, Wyoming, and spent many vacations hunting and fishing in that area and frequently pursuing game at other locations such as the Hilton/Douglas ranch. The buckle is marked on the back with the small oval stamp that reads "Bohlinmade, Hollywood, Calif' It is also stamped to reflect the quality of the metal used to make the buckle-22-K, 18-K and 12-K gold!

The perfectly executed filigree work on the buckle immediately sets off the decorative elements. Wrapped around the outer edge is a twisted gold wire rope. Red gold vines and scrolls are exquisitely hand chased to give them depth and dimension. In the center are the silver initials "E" and "B". Below each initial is a yellow gold five petal flower. Laid over the scrolls are the following figures: top left, Pronghorn antelope top center, Rainbow trout; top right, bull moose; center, bull elk; bottom left, Bighorn sheep bottom center, California, grizzly bear; and bottom right, trophy deer. Each of these figures 1 remarkably well-executed. The rainbow trout has beautifully blended bands of red and yellow gold. The antlers of the animals are in yellow gold and their bodies are carefully chased wit! variations of color in red and yellow gold.

The entire effect of this buckle is that of a fine sculpture depicting wildlife of the Rock Mountains and California. It is entirely hand cut and chased and it is a monument to the best products coming from the fertile imagination of Edward H. Bohlin. I have long been of the opinion that the best Bohlin products are those that are hand chased and made in the time period from the 1930s through the late 1950s. This is truly a masterwork by the master himself.


James H. Nottage

(James Nottage is the Author of Saddlemaker to the Stars, Edward H. Bohlin, Published by The Autry Museum of Western Heritage, Los Angeles, 1996)

Lot 557, Sold $47,200
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.

Joe Beeler (1931 - 2006)

Lord of the Southern Plains (Quanah Parker)


Over 3-feet tall: 35” x 18 1/2" x 19”, on a 5" wood base

Signed in bronze: JOE BEELER CA / 16/25

Included is the book "Cowboy Artist / Joe Beeler" by Don Hedgpeth in slip case.

The "Lord of the Southern Plains" was awarded the Silver Medal in Sculpture at the 35th Annual Cowboy Artists of America Show and Sale at the Phoenix Art Museum in 2000.

Lot 547, Sold $26,550
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.

Leo Carrillo's Engraved Colt Bisley

Colt Single Action Army revolver with Mexican embroidered holster

Serial #327528

Post factory engraved

High Noon 2008, Lot 316.

PE: Engraved Colt Single Action Army revolver with Holster

*S/N 327528, .45 caliber, 4 ¾ inch barrel, blue barrel/cylinder/back strap/trigger guard. 2-piece stag grips, contemporary engraving, gold bands on barrel, circa 1920s. Condition: very good bore, 100% refinish after engraving, mechanically excellent, excellent marks, holster in very good condition.

Lot 642, Sold $41,300
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.

Joe Quintana Bracelet with Number 8 Mine Turquoise

Large and impressive turquoise cuff bracelet by Joe Quintana. 2 1/8" in width along its entire length, 5 1/2" long inside circumference excluding the 1 1/4" opening. Twenty-one (21) high grade Number 8 Mine turquoise stones of varying size and shape. Marked "JH QUINTANA COCHITI / N M". 123 grams.

Through the C.G. Wallace Collection of American Indian Art, Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1975, to Dick Flood, Sr., through Flood family.

EX: Dick Flood Sr. and Daro Flood Collection

Lot 601, Sold $3,835
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.

Large Black Sombrero

A very impressive older sombrero with applied silver rope and ribbon edges. A large 2 1/2" band surrounding the 9 1/2" tall, pinched crown. The bucket shaped brim is 6". A well-used hat with great character.

Lot 516, Sold $2,723
Brian Lebel's Mesa Old West Auction - January 21st & 22nd, 2022 - Mesa, AZ.